Malayalam Daily Bible Words

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Malayalam Daily Bible Words

Malayalam Bible quotes, prayer, words and images of Jesus. State of Lent.

We have handpicked beautiful words from the Holy Bible and converted them into the "Malayalam Daily Bible Words" app.

It has collection of Bible words from Genesis to Revelation. All quotes come with Bible HD images, which are very suitable for sharing with your friends, setting as status video or image, or as wallpaper download.

You can download any Bible quote with a single click. It can be shared on social media platforms easily.

This app contains all the words of the Bible in Malayalam and English.

Just scroll 7upDown Play left or right to see all the Bible verses. Click the category button to browse multiple categories.

This app contains many categories such as Love, Prayer, Jesus, Life, Friends, Mother, Father, Worship, Holy Spirit, Husband, Wife, Family and many more.

You will be notified with new Bible words daily.

Lent prayers, Lent status and quotes included.

Totem Wonders