ReCharge RC [Mod Money]

sourcedate 2024-05-07source 管理员browse 59
ReCharge RC [Mod Money] - Arcade race with level editorIn ReCharge RC, you have unlimited options for tuning the car, a track editor that you can share with the world, global online ratings and an asynchronous multiplayer mode that allows ghosts of better results. Enjoy realistic physics, which blurs the lines between the arcade and the simulation and allows newcomers and veterans to experience new sensations.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 53.94 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we geBlack Jack t this dataWhats newДобавлена поддержка (LAN) мультиплеераРазличные исправления ошибок и небольшие улучшения Update history-----